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Neighbourhood Watch Our News May 2020 Enewsletter

Neighbourhood Watch Our News May 2020 Enewsletter

Dear supporters,

Neighbourhood Watch's May 2020 eNewsletter is published. Click here to read it.

This month's edition looks at how neighbours are supporting their communities across England and Wales - from setting up a Calling Tree to providing shopping to the elderly, vulnerable or self-isolating. It highlights how Neighbourhood Watch groups, who supported communities through the recent flooding, are... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 29 Apr 2020

Tags: Neighbourhood Watch

Video Message from Chief Constable Simon Cole

Video Message from Chief Constable Simon Cole

I'd like to take a moment to say thank you to the communities, local people and businesses who have been supporting us and each other during this difficult time. We've been overwhelmed by people's kindness towards our officers and staff - we've received curries from restaurants, letters of thanks, and lovely pictures and drawings from school children. They are all gratefully received.

Watch my full... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 29 Apr 2020

Tags: Police

Important Information on Monthly Garden Waste Collection Dates

Garden waste collections are back … but our letters are stuck in the mail

Here's a few pointers to help you understand when your monthly collection is:

  • Your garden bin will be collected on one of the next two recycling/garden waste collection dates marked on your calendar
  • It's 50/50 whether it's the first date or second date listed – so there's no harm in putting your garden waste bin out... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 28 Apr 2020

Tags: North West Leicestershire District Council

Covid19 Scams Continue To Rise - Be on Your Guard

Covid19 Scams Continue To Rise - Be on Your Guard

Sadly, so far, a total of £2,360,727 has been reported lost by 1,072 victims of coronavirus-related scams according to Action Fraud reports.

To date, Action Fraud have received 4,241 reports of coronavirus-related phishing emails.

Be on your guard!

Criminals continue to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to defraud innocent members of the public. Currently, coronavirus-related frauds make up 3-5%... Read More »

Posted: Sat, 25 Apr 2020

Tags: Crime Prevention and Reduction, Police

Domestic Abuse - Where To Get Help During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Domestic Abuse - Where To Get Help During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dear Members,

Domestic abuse - where to get help during the COVID-19 pandemic

We know that COVID-19 (Coronavirus) will have a serious impact on the lives of women, children and men who are experiencing domestic abuse. Fears over jobs, financial pressure, school closures, working from home and all the other current changes to our day to day lives are likely to result in an increase in domestic abuse incidents.... Read More »

Posted: Sat, 25 Apr 2020

Tags: Crime Prevention and Reduction, Police

Land At Spring Lane Swannington Leicestershire - 19/01961/FULM AMENDED

Hybrid planning application for development of the site compromising: full application for the change of use of land for use as a caravan site as defined by S336 of the Town and Country Planning Act, together with the construction of a fishing lake and associated works. Outline application for the rection of associated restaurant/bar/shop and office(access only)

Posted: Fri, 24 Apr 2020

Tags: North West Leicestershire District Council, Planning


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Leicestershire County Council intends, not less than 7 days from the date of this Notice, to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to allow for the closure of that length of road specified in the Schedule to this Notice. The road is being closed to allow Network Rail to undertake rail maintenance and safety... Read More »

Posted: Fri, 24 Apr 2020

Tags: Leicestershire County Council, Roads

Successful Arrests Following Livestock Thefts

Successful Arrests Following Livestock Thefts

Following a recent message that I sent out regarding theft of livestock within adjoining forces, I am pleased to report that a stolen lamb was recovered from a vehicle in Welford by Warwickshire Police. Thanks to a member of the public who called the Police, the vehicle was stopped and the lamb was found inside the vehicle along with a number of tools.

Three persons were arrested following the stop... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 23 Apr 2020

Tags: Crime Prevention and Reduction, Police

New Suspicious Phishing Email Reporting Facility

New Suspicious Phishing Email Reporting Facility

Unfortunately, over the last few weeks there has been a marked increase in both Covid-19 type scams, but also in phishing emails of all types – "banks", Netflix, HMRC, DVLA, Supermarket vouchers and surveys to name just a few.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) have launched a new reporting service for suspicious emails.

Anyone can now forward suspicious emails to report@phishing.gov.uk... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 23 Apr 2020

Tags: Cyber Crime Prevention, Police

Loan Shark Warning For Residents

Loan Shark Warning For Residents

Dear Members

Residents are being urged to be on their guard against unscrupulous loan sharks who may try to exploit the coronavirus outbreak and prey on people's financial worries.

Please find attached a news release on behalf of the England Illegal Money Lending team.

Finally so many of you are adhering to the Covid-19 regulations and I would like to thank everyone for their support by Staying at Home,... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 22 Apr 2020

Tags: Crime Prevention and Reduction, Neighbourhood Watch, Police

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