7th July 2024

Search Swannington Parish Council

Serving the people of Swannington


NWLDC Service provision

NWLDC Service provision

Changes to service provision will be set out on the webpage but in summary changes today include:

  • Closure of our parks and playgrounds in line with government guidance and following the County Council decision today
  • Closure of public toilets in Coalville and Ashby
  • No charges to park in NWLDC council car parks - ticket machines are a high hand contact area. This is not being done to encourage people to... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 25 Mar 2020

Tags: North West Leicestershire District Council

NWLDC Finance and Economy:

NWLDC Finance and Economy:

It's now a priority to ensure we can administer the many government grants that are now available, but we are asking the public to patient with us while we do the work to put these arrangements in place. The daily announcements of new grants, whilst very welcome, bring with it complex processes and procedures which are not simple to put in place with limited resources.

We have already billed 144 retail... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 25 Mar 2020

Tags: North West Leicestershire District Council

Letter From Manor House Surgery

Letter From Manor House Surgery


My name is Lynne Keeling and I am the Practice Manager of Manor House Surgery in Belton.

As we are all aware, we are currently living and working throughout exceptional and unprecedented time. The Government is asking people to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. By joining together within local communities we need to help protect the more vulnerable members of our society, the elderly... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 25 Mar 2020

Tags: Information

A Message from the Chief Constable

A Message from the Chief Constable

For more than 180 years the role of Leicestershire Police has been to protect people across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland from harm. While coronavirus presents us with an unprecedented challenge, I wanted to reassure you that our commitment to protect our communities hasn't changed.

However, this is a challenge we, as a united community, can overcome. I, like you, saw the statement from the... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 24 Mar 2020

Tags: Police, Public Health


If you currently have an update on the allotment sites in the village, please can you contact the Clerk to allow your details to be updated on the system.

If you want to take on this lovely outdoor activity, please make contact too.

Posted: Sun, 22 Mar 2020

Tags: Newsletters

PLANNING - Spring Lane

No news yet on this application. We will, of course, keep you all informed when we hear anything.

Posted: Sun, 22 Mar 2020

Tags: Planning

PLANNING - Limby Hall Lane

There is an application to demolish the barn, that was until recently used for livery, and to replace it with a house. Graham Tovell originally got permission for this barn as it was solely for agricultural purposes. The Parish Council's view is that change of use should be refused because of this, and because it is outside the limits to development. If you wish to comment on this application it is... Read More »

Posted: Sun, 22 Mar 2020

Tags: Planning

Coronavirus information

Assistance for Swannington Residents during the Coronavirus pandemic

"Lets all check on our neighbours"

The Parish Council has discussed what can be done and what is available in the locality and has some information to share though this leaflet.

Please look at the Parish Council's website for general information from NHS and government.


The Volunteer Centre in Coalville... Read More »

Posted: Sun, 22 Mar 2020

Tags: Public Health

Message From Leicestershire Trading Standards

Message From Leicestershire Trading Standards

Dear Members

Leicestershire Trading Standards Service are advising during this period of uncertainty regarding Covid-19, it appears that there are some people who are taking advantage of the situation.

We have heard reports that people are offering to buy essentials on behalf of the elderly and vulnerable who are self isolating. Instead are taking the money and not bringing any goods to them; This is... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 18 Mar 2020

Tags: Crime Prevention and Reduction, Police, Public Health

ADVANCE NOTICE ROAD CLOSURE - NWL0554 Hough Hill, Swannington

A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is to be made for the following location: Hough Hill, Swannington (see attached plan). The purpose of the TTRO is to allow Network Rail to facilitate rail renewal and level crossing inspection.

The TTRO will incorporate a temporary road closure. Due to the nature of works there will be no access for emergency services or pedestrians over the level crossing.... Read More »

Posted: Mon, 16 Mar 2020

Tags: Leicestershire County Council, Roads

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