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Marking 10 Years With Chief Constable Simon Cole

Marking 10 Years With Chief Constable Simon Cole

Meaningful achievements, heartbreaking tragedies, difficult challenges and lots of "hard yards" – just some of the many ways to describe the past 10 years for Leicestershire Police's Chief Constable Simon Cole.

Sunday 14 June marked a decade since Mr Cole took up the role of Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police, after moving from Hampshire Police where he had been serving as Deputy Chief Constable.

And while there has been lots to celebrate since that first day back in June 2010, the "nature" of the job means there have also been many testing times too.

Please click here to read more and watch a video interview of Mr Cole reflecting on his time with Leicestershire Police so far: https://www.leics.police.uk/news/leicestershire/news/2020/june/achievements-challenges-and-hard-yards--10-years-as-chief-constable-at-leicestershire-police

Best wishes,
Leicestershire Police

Message Sent By
Corporate Communications (Communications, Public Engagement, Force HQ)

Posted: Tue, 16 Jun 2020

Tags: Police