6th July 2024

Search Swannington Parish Council

Serving the people of Swannington

Loan Shark Warning For Residents

Loan Shark Warning For Residents

Dear Members

Residents are being urged to be on their guard against unscrupulous loan sharks who may try to exploit the coronavirus outbreak and prey on people's financial worries.

Please find attached a news release on behalf of the England Illegal Money Lending team.

Finally so many of you are adhering to the Covid-19 regulations and I would like to thank everyone for their support by Staying at Home, Protecting the NHS and Saving Lives. However we have seen many who are gathering in certain places and we are receiving a high number of calls relating to Covid Breaches.

This can be avoided by ensuring that your households are all aware about the importance not to meet others, even friends or family that are not in your house hold. You can spread the virus even if you don't have symptoms. For more information about the rules of the lockdown and updates visit the below link.


Stay Safe and Stay Well. If you see something, Say Something and Report it.

PCSO Ali Haq
Wigston Police Station.

Did you know you can report crime and incidents using our online portal. Please visit https://www.leics.police.uk/ Click on REPORT.
In an emergency dial 999

Please do not report crime or Incidents via 'Neighbourhood Link' as the messages are not always monitored.

Message Sent By Ali Haq (Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6167, South Leicester)

Posted: Wed, 22 Apr 2020

Tags: Crime Prevention and Reduction, Neighbourhood Watch, Police