2nd July 2024

Search Swannington Parish Council

Serving the people of Swannington

Who We Are and What We Do

On 17th December 1894 a poll was conducted to elect 8 Councillors from the 15 applicants to form Swannington Parish Council. The 2 members with the highest number of votes were also appointed District Councillors. The first meeting of the council was held 31st December 1894.

So the present 6 Councillors have a long tradition to uphold. Elected every 4 years they meet 11 times a year in the Village Hall, formerly the Miners Welfare Institute, to make decisions on the work and direction of the Council in representing the people of the parish, including local community groups. Since those early days the Parish Council has made substantial progress. They now own the Village Hall, the Village Sign, as well as the recently installed Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Stone. In addition the village is the home of the highly popular Hough Mill, owned and run by Swannington Heritage Trust.

Mission Statement

The Parish Council exists to ensure that, within the resources available, the parish, its environment and local services are maintained to the highest possible standards for citizens, visitors and those that work in Castle Donington. The Parish Council will also provide a focus for civic pride and community spirit, listen, identify and respond to agreed local needs and should help develop a strong, secure, self-reliant and self confident community.

Swannington Parish Council Priorities
To promote a high quality, non-political council which works for the benefit of the whole parish.

To promote the well-being and civic pride of the parish and encourage a sense of community spirit by arranging and running a variety of community events.

To strive to achieve effective two way communication with the community, canvassing opinions and promoting informal discussion.

To maintain and protect the conservation Area, as well as encouraging a thriving village centre with appropriate infrastructure.

To strive to conserve and enhance the rural aspects of the village by protecting and preserving the natural green areas both within, and surrounding, the parish life and support future growth.

To promote and provide services for a growing, thriving community including facilities and services which enhance village.

To promote all forms of pedestrian and vehicular links within the parish, especially to the village centre and to encourage future development of wider transport services.

To work with developers to encourage fitting development in the context of the parish and to encourage diversity, with preferential regard to the village population, by ensuring that new housing is provided for young people, lower income families and the aged.

To encourage sustainable employment, appropriate economic growth, and collaborating with local businesses for the mutual benefit of the community.

Documents, Policies and Finance

What we spend and how we spend it. This page contains material which complies with Publication Scheme and Open Data requirements.

Latest Policies and Strategies held by Swannington Parish Council

Contact Us

Last updated: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 16:37